Monday, June 08, 2009

Fruitarian Book - 5 - The Fruit Hunters

Well.. Not exactly a fruitarian book, it's more of a fruit lovers book, and recounts the story of the author's adventures in search of some of the worlds rarest exotic fruits..

The front cover describes the book as a story of nature, adventure, commerce and obsession.. It's written by a guy named Adam Leith Gollner, and is an account of the world of fruit, and of those that appreciate it..

He describes in great detail many of the most delightful fruits he's encountered, as well as some of the fellow fruit loving enthusiasts he's met on his travels, - creators of new fruit varieties, fruit smugglers and even a few fruitarians!!

There's info about the history of fruit, and of the dodgy practices of the international fruit trade, with info on biochemical growth inhibitors, hormone-based retardants, dyes, waxes and corrupt USDA inspectors.

Peace to all,